Hello. Like others in Bolnore, we want no-one in the village to feel alone or without help during this time. If you are having to self-isolate we would therefore love you to let us know if you'd like us to...
(1) pick up your shopping
(2) post something for you
(3) provide urgent supplies
(4) call you for a friendly chat
And if you feel you really need face to face contact, we would be very happy to...
(5) pop round and have a doorstep conversation with you (we'd have to do this standing at a distance)
Just fill in your details in the contact form below, specify in which of the above ways you need help, and click submit. We will endeavour to contact you the same day and do our best to support you.
Jon Hobbs
Minister, Grace Church in Bolnore
Because coronovirus is contagious, please take every precaution to avoid physical contact (2m distance), and wash your hands regularly. Any items for picking up or dropping off need to be left on your doorstep.
Any phone call or doorstep conversation will be conducted by a safegaurding vetted volunteer. And please note that your contact details will not be kept after the crisis has passed.
[ If you are not in isolation and would like to help if we need more volunteers, please use the form below to let us know. We will only contact you if you are needed. ]