Lent this year runs from Wednesday 6 March to Thursday 18 April.
It has traditionally been a time of reflection on our walk with the Lord in the light of the coming Easter, patterned on Jesus' 40 days in the desert. It is therefore a time for "seeking God."
Of course God is always with the Christian. But he urged King David: "Now devote your heart and soul to seeking the LORD your God" (1 Chr 22:19).
To seek God in this way is to seek a greater focus and faithfulness towards him that in turn means a greater experience of his presence in our lives. As James put it: "Draw near to God and he will draw near to you" (James 4:8).
This Lent we are seeking to do this in four ways:
A week of prayer : 4-10 March
A prayer meeting everyday to seek God's work in and through us as individuals and a church. Cluminating in a morning of prayer on Sunday 10 March with kids in for the first session, playing for the rest, and lunch together. Details to follow.
Everyday evangelism : Four Wednesdays from 13 March
A course helping to better equip us to make Christ known to others. The monday and wednesday morning groups combine at 1 Kingfisher Drive, Bolnore, 9.15am on the wednesdays, and the evening groups combine at 1 Myra Mews, Haywards Heath, 8pm on the wednesdays. We appreciate that there are some in our community groups for whom this may not be right. If that is you, we would love to see you at our Simply Christianity course during this period. Our community groups will resume as normal after Easter.
Simply Christianity : Five Wednesdays from 28 February
A simple course in Luke's gospel for those who are just looking into things, or those who would value going over the basics again in a context where any question can be asked. 8-9.15pm on thursday evenings at 1 Kingfisher Drive, Bolnore.
Confide : Throughout Lent
An opportunity to book a surgery with Jon, Bethan, Luke, Claire or Dan, to unload or talk through anything that is of concern to you. It may be a need for advice, a cry for help, a desire to confess sin, ask a question, or simply be prayed with. Whether, sad, worried, tempted or compromised in some way, it can be hugely significant to take the opportunity to work through whatever the need is with someone who has a sympathetic ear. Just contact Jon.
To read more on lent, see here.