The night before he died, Jesus said to his disciples: "If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." (John 14v5).
Christians talk much of having a relationship with God, but can often be uncertain as to what that looks like in the day to day. But this relationship is essential if we are to stand firm and bear fruit in the face of so much that can hinder us. More than that, it is essential if we are going to display an authentic spirituality to those who are spiritually thirsty.
From May to July we will be considering what a Christ-centred spirituality entails in eight sermons:
1 Life as God's children (Rom 8v14-17)
2 Sabbath time (Gen 2v2-3)
3 Walking before the Lord (Gen 3v8)
4 Meditating day and night (Ps 1v1-3)
5 Praying in the Spirit (Eph 6v17-19)
6 Devoting oneself to church (Heb 10v24-25)
7 The fellowship of suffering (Phil 3v7-11)
8 Joyful contentment (Phil 4v4-13)