The Rota.
Click here to view the rota from September to December 2024.
Note: This may change week by week as swaps are made, so always good to click and view the most recent version.
Raising children in the faith.
A page outlining what we teach children at different levels, but also offering tips for parents.
​Kids@4 teaching materials for September to December 2024.
To access and download any media files you want to use, click on https://www.mustard-seeds.net/login and then enter login: gracesussex@outlook.com and pw: ecclesiastes12v12. Then click "my favourites," then "view lessons" for the teaching series we are on, then the particular lesson you are teaching. Scroll to the bottom and you will see the "media" items. (I know. It could be easier!)
Our Church Handbook: About our church.
Our Formalizing Membership document.
Our church Basis of Faith held to by all who teach.
Our Position Paragraphs held to by the elders.
Our outline of the Two Views on Baptism we accommodate as a church.
Our current Safeguarding Policy.